
Press Releases

Press Release Details:

  • 24th February 2014 - 12:15 UTC

Ukraine’s European perspectives: towards EU membership

Brussels 24th February 2014: With potential further bloodshed in Ukraine prevented and Presidential elections on the horizon, the EU must now turn its attention to a show of financial solidarity with Ukrainian citizens and assistance in democratic reforms that could pave the way to EU membership.

‘Ukraine deserves a clear European perspective, from an association agreement towards candidate status for EU membership’ stated Jo Leinen MEP, President of the European Movement International.

Mr Leinen continued that ‘it is more than symbolic that Ukrainians will elect their new President on 25th May, the very same day the European Parliament elections take place. The European Union must now show its solidarity with the Ukrainian people by offering political and financial support as well as assistance for reforms to bring Ukraine closer to the European family’.

Whilst Ukraine deserves a clear path towards EU membership, it should not be forgotten that as a long standing member of the Council of Europe, the nation now has a duty to once again defend and uphold the values it has subscribed to as a member state.

As an organisation that works across the Council of Europe member states, the European Movement believes that there must be stronger and more permanent links between civil society associations in Ukraine and pro-European organisations across Europe. Therefore, on 6th – 8th March, a European Movement delegation will travel to Kiev to support the permanent establishment of the pro-European movement in Ukraine.

Notes to Editors
1. The European Movement International (EMI) is one of the largest pan and pro-European civil society organisations with currently more than 70 Member Organisations, bringing together representatives from European associations, political parties, enterprises and trade unions. www.europeanmovement.eu

2. The delegation to establish a European Movement in Ukraine will be headed by the European Movement International’s President Mr Jo Leinen MEP and will consist of European Movement representatives from Poland, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, as well as representatives from AEGEE – The European Students Forum, SOLIDAR and the Young European Federalists. The delegation will meet with local EU and OSCE representatives, Polish, Swiss and German Ambassadors to Ukraine, Pro-European Foundations, local media representatives, Ukrainian Parliamentarians, grassroots political movements as well as the British, Belgian, German, US, Swiss, Norwegian and Polish chambers of commerce in Ukraine.