
Policies > EMI: The ViewPoints Magazine


EMI: The ViewPoints Magazine

Vol 3. A Europe fit for the Digital Age

With contributions from:

  • Eva Maydell MEP
  • Dita Charanzova MEP
  • Alex Agius Saliba MEP
  • Alexandra Geese MEP

COVID-19 has shown us once again how important and indispensable technology is. Technology can help citizens, governments and businesses to stay connected in these trying times and can help provide some of the services needed during a health crisis and beyond. In an increasingly digitised world, there are multiple opportunities to benefit from technological developments. In this third edition of #TheViewPoints, we explore “A Europe fit for the Digital Age” from the point of view of leading European figures from the heart of Brussels.

Read the full 3rd edition here

Vol 2. Conference on the Future of Europe | The Game Changer?

With contributions from:

  • Vice President Dubravka Suica, Commissioner for Democracy & Demography
  • Ambassador Michael Clauss, Permanent Representation of Germany to the EU
  • Daniel Freund MEP
  • Richard Corbett, Rapporteur on the Constitutional & Lisbon Treaties, former MEP

With Covid19 continuously impacting our societies, the European Union is expected to come up with answers for the common challenges we face, and the question is whether the Conference on the Future of Europe can be a powerful tool in enhancing citizen participation across the Union, as well as mitigating the economic, financial, and social impact of the coronavirus pandemic. In this second edition of #TheViewPoints, we explore the potential of “the Conference on the Future of Europe” as a “game-changer” from the point of view of leading European figures from the heart of Brussels.

Read full 2nd edition here

Vol 1. MFF | A New EU Budget for the Future

With contributions from:

  • Margarida Marques MEP
  • Rasmus Andresen MEP
  • Valerie Hayer MEP
  • Siegfried Muresan MEP
  • Francisco Guerreiro MEP
  • Victor Negrescu MEP

In these trying times, the European Union is expected to come up with answers for the common challenges we face, and the EU’s budget is a powerful tool in the effort to mitigate the economic, financial, and social impact of the coronavirus pandemic. In this first edition of #TheViewPoints, we explore what the “A New EU Budget for the Future” should look like from the point of view of leading MEPs of 4 political families in the European Parliament.

Read the full 1st edition here

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