Who we are
EMI Statutory Meetings
The European Movement International is comprised of a number of statutory bodies that are required by the EMI’s statutes to meet a certain number of times each year to help decide on the direction of the Movement.
The Federal Assembly convenes once a year and is composed of the President, the Secretary General and the Treasurer of the European Movement, and all the member organisations who shall be represented by one or more delegates with one vote each. The Associate Members and Supporting Members of the European Movement have the right to be represented at the Federal Assembly by a delegate with the right to address the meeting but no voting rights.
The Members Council convenes once a year and is composed of up to two representatives of each of the member organisations. Each Member Organisation has one vote. Associate members and Supporting Members do not have voting rights.
You can find out more about the rules of EMI membership here EMI Articles of association (as adopted in April 2015).