ALDA: INCOME kick-off meeting
On 22 and 23 May, the kick-off meeting of the project INCOME (INnovating COworking Methods through Exchange), took place in Stockholm and hosted by the Contemporary Art Centre Färgfabriken, leader of the project.
The project is co-funded by the ERASMUS + programme in the frame KA2 Strategic Partnerships in the field of youth, and will run for 24 months.
Matteo Mirigliano, Assistant to the Secretary General and Anna Ditta, Project Development Officer, participated on behalf of ALDA, together with the representatives of the 9 partners of the project.
The project focuses on the co-working approach as a way to respond to the challenges of youth unemployment, taking entrepreneurship and cultural infrastructure as a potential path out of unemployment, particularly attractive for young people tending to be more creative, dynamic and giving a preference to self-employment.
The 9 partners involved had the opportunity to share their experience in co-working from different perspectives, exchange knowledge and good practices on the topic and plan future activities at the local level. Of all the activities, the most important will be the job shadowing among the partners, which will be enrolled in the next year with exchanging of practices among all of them, for a total of 32 mobilities foreseen.
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