
News > CESI employment commission president calls for ambitious trilogue agreement on more transparent and predictable working conditions

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  • 20th December 2018 - 15:31 UTC
Jobs and Competitiveness, Miscellaneous

CESI employment commission president calls for ambitious trilogue agreement on more transparent and predictable working conditions

As the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament have adopted their mandates to enter into trilogue negotiations on a new EU directive on transparent and predictable working conditions, the President of CESI’s Employment and Social Affairs Commission, Javier Jordán de Urries Sagarna, calls for an ambitious trilogue agreement.

According to Javier Jordán de Urries Sagarna, an affiliate of CESI’s member trade union organisation CSIF (Spanish Central Independent and Public Employees’ Trade Union), it will be key that real improvements are brought especially to those in precarious work. He said: “The European Commission’s proposal for a directive contains some very constructive propositions on how to make sure that all people in de-facto dependent work relationships can enjoy basic minimum standards for decent and transparent employment and working conditions. The directive is a flagship initiative of the European Commission to deliver on several principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights, and I call on the European Parliament and the Council to adopt an ambitious piece of legislation. It would be an important message that Europe can deliver and improve the lives of the people.”

A critical aspect relates to a broad scope of application of the directive, Javier Jordán de Urries Sagarna said: “The directive must not only mitigate precarious work in yet unregulated and exploitative new forms of employment and for the many self-employed people which are in reality in dependent work relationships. Precarious work exists also in the public sector.” He added: “When the negotiators of the European Parliament and the Council discuss exemptions or derogations for public sector workers from Chapter III on minimum requirements for working conditions, I urge them not to apply a flat-rate scattergun approach. In article 10, why should certain groups of persons in the public sector be denied transitions to more stable forms of employment? In article 11, why should they not have rights to training like everyone else? In article 7, is there a reason for really many groups of public sector workers to be exempted from maximum probation period clauses?”

As a European trade union umbrella confederation, CESI has accompanied this dossier closely, having highlighted the merits of an ambitious and broad directive to the European Parliament rapporteur and shadow rapporteurs and to the Council Presidency on various occasions.

Javier Jordán de Urries Sagarna concluded: “Next to possible exemptions for public sector workers, it is a priority for us to ensure an EU directive with teeth: References to transitions to more secure (as opposed to only transparent) forms of employment should be maintained and the information provisions in Chapter II and clauses on minimum predictability of work in article 9 should not be watered down compared to the European Commission’s proposal. In article 10 we would also like to see a real right to more secure working conditions as opposed to merely a right to request this. This would not represent any improvement for workers in real life. Workers do not need a directive to give them a right to ask for something.”

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