
News > Energy Union will benefit European citizens and contribute to Climate agenda

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Bridging EU decision making, Energy and climate, Jobs and Competitiveness

Energy Union will benefit European citizens and contribute to Climate agenda

The European Movement International supports current proposals by the European Commission for a European ‘Energy Union’ and urges the European Council to press ahead with plans that will ensure a good deal for European Citizens.

In support of the project, the Movement yesterday, Wednesday 18 March, held a Briefing with the European Commission’s Vice President for the Energy Union, Maroš Šefčovič. The main focus of the event was the project’s potential impact on European citizens. The Commissioner supported the Movement’s suggestion that citizens need to be at the centre of the endeavour, and pointed out that energy efficiency is also key in delivering this. Following interventions and a Q+A session with diverse stakeholders, Mr Šefčovič also commented on the need to support and accelerate the smartening of the energy grids in Europe. One comment suggested that, done well, smart grids could be Europe’s answer to the US Shale gas revolution, contributing largely to a diversification of Europe’s energy sources.

Jo Leinen, President of the European Movement International (EMI), said:

A European Energy Union will positively impact European citizens by allowing greater security of energy supply across and between European countries. In addition, greater efficiencies and the support for new technologies and renewable energy sources will contribute hugely to European success in reaching the Union’s climate targets and achieving a deal on an ambitious binding global agreement at the COP21 in Paris this December.


Notes to the Editors
1. The European Movement International (EMI) is one of the largest pan and pro-European civil society organisations with currently more than 70 Member Organisations, bringing together representatives from European associations, political parties, enterprises and trade unions. www.europeanmovement.eu

Media Contact
Alex Godson: +32 25 08 30 88 // +32 484 93 10 20 //

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