EM Germany Telegram on CFSP | Securing peace is a joint task
What does Germany’s biggest pro-European Network think about the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy? The EM Germany Telegram provides answers and statements from the network’s member organisations.
A European Army is currently not on the agenda since the European Union has urgent crises to deal with. This is the result of EM Germany’s event“Minister of State in Dialogue” with Michael Roth, Minister of State for Europe at the Federal Foreign Office. In the future, Europe’s Common Foreign and Security Policy will be performed by a coordinated mesh of different national, intergovernmental and supranational actors rather than a single supranational institution. However, the French invocation of article 42 (7) of the EU treaty after the attacks in Paris is a clear signal for the Europeanisation of the defense policies. It is therefore necessary to think about the role of national parliaments and a kind of a European Semester for CFSP. Germany’s Federal Armed Forces Bundeswehr will deploy 1200 soldiers for the military operation against Daesh. But what does this mean for the future of EU’s CFSP and what is the position of the German civil society? This EM Germany Telegram is providing answers to these pressing questions, and presenting the positions of its member organisations on the policy objective “Deepening the CFSP as a precondition for credible crisis prevention and effective crisis management”.
Find the latest EM Germany updates on the CFSP here.
+++National approaches pre-empt a European peace strategy+++
In his contribution on the CFSP, EM Germany President Dr. Rainer Wendpoints out a great danger to Europe: the current refugee crisis and terrorist threats tempt Member States to resort to short-term thinking and tactics, which pre-empts a European-wide and sustainable peace strategy: “If we think long-term, and want to achieve a strategic common foreign and domestic policy, we have to be clear about the danger of the tactical quarrelling between nation states, which constitutes our biggest internal threat: the tactics of nation states, insignificant as they are, will endanger Europe!” This is the moment to take up the project of a European Army through a deepening of the Common Foreign and Security Policy. | Read more
+++Activate Permanent Structured Cooperation between the armed forces+++
“This is the moment to develop a European Defence Union!” asserts Michael Gahler, MEP for the CDU and Vice President of EM Germany, in his statement on the Common Foreign and Security Policy. The untapped potential of the Lisbon Treaty has to be used now in order to activate Permanent Structured Cooperation between the armed forces. | Read more
+++National grandeur is not the alternative+++
“The realistic alternative to a European Foreign Policy is not national grandeur, but rather the steady demise of the European continent, which will sink into oblivion.” With this argumentation, Frank Burgdörfer, founder of Citizens of Europe and Board member of EM Germany, calls for a renewal of the Common Foreign and Security Policy. | Read more
+++Germany is prepared to take responsibility+++
“Well-organised armed forces are a prerequisite for Germany’s ability to meet its growing responsibility”, argues the German Armed Forces Association (DBwV). Thomas Sohst, Chairman of the ‘Landesverband West’ and member of the Federal Board of DBwV, speaks out in favour of “deliberate and concerted action” with partners within the framework of the CFSP. | Read more
+++No quick fixes, but the expansion of the EEAS+++
The dbb Civil Service and Tariff Union warns for quick fixes in European security policy. Kirsten Lühmann MP, member of the dbb Federal Board and EM Germany Board, calls for a determined expansion of the CFSP, while not losing sight of different national practices. The European External Action Service (EEAS) should be extended conjointly. | Read more
The Association of the German Language (VDS) also recognises room for improvement at the EEAS, especially in the area of working languages. |Read more
Necessary & long overdue. Unless we pool our sovereignty, it will lose its meaning in time of conflict & insecurity. https://t.co/lPT5R7e0Ee
— Petros Fassoulas (@PetrosFassoulas) December 11, 2015
+++Better European cooperation is crucial+++
The German section of the Union of European Federalists speaks out in favour of a European Army, and welcomes all steps in this direction: “The security challenges currently faced by the Europeans can only be confronted together”. | Read more
+++Europe’s security includes more than just a military dimension+++
“The response in the EU will determine whether the EU and its Member States will be able to raise their profile in foreign and security policy.” TheECFR calls for a comprehensive set of foreign policy tools at the European level. | Read more
+++Terrorism does not stop at our borders+++
The Federal Board of the German section of the Young European Federalists released a statement in which they strongly condemn the Paris terrorist attacks of 13 November 2015, while calling upon Member States to show more solidarity and increase cooperation in foreign and security policy, as “Terrorism does not stop at our borders. Our anti-terrorism policy does.” The fight against international terrorism requires a multidimensional and European approach. | Read more
+++Peace politics on the agenda at CDU and SPD congresses+++
Before the beginning of the Christmas break, governing parties CDU andSPD still have to confront some important issues. At their respective party congresses, both Chancellor Angela Merkel and Vice-Chancellor SigmarGabriel have to face the criticism of their fellow party members on their refugee policy. The EU will be discussed as a key part of the solution to the refugee crisis. Both the CDU and SPD have repeatedly confirmed the need for a European Army, most recently in their coalition agreement. | Read more
Heute vorgestellt: Antragsentwurf an #cdupt15 zum Thema Flüchtlinge und Innere Sicherheit: https://t.co/IQfuhpRJgy /ap
— CDU Deutschlands (@CDU) December 10, 2015
Rede von Frank-Walter #Steinmeier und die außenpolit. Beschlüsse vom #spdbpt sind hier >> https://t.co/OAMPQ3BafQ pic.twitter.com/VvqC4iN770
— SPD Parteivorstand (@spdde) December 10, 2015

aus: Eurobarometer 2015
- “When does a European Army become reality?” Address by EM Germany Secretary General Bernd Hüttemann at the Northern Group Meeting of EUROMIL.
- Eurobarometer 2015: Two-thirds of Europe’s population is in favour of stronger European cooperation in the area of the CFSP. 55% of respondents is also in favour of the creation of a European Army. In 2014, this was less than half (Eurobarometer 2015 p.167).
- EBD Survey 2015: In the EBD opinion poll, 58 percent of respondents counts on increased cooperation in the field of foreign and security policy. The survey also shows that the EU has to step up its common approach on foreign and security affairs.
- More than a third of the British support the creation of a European Army (Independent).
- Forsa Survey: 49 percent of Germans are in favour of a joint European Army.
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