EM Ireland: Executive Director’s Blog – Your New Year’s Resolutions Might Be Protected by the EU
It’s that time of year again. As the last leftover spiced beef sandwiches are consumed in homes from Skibbereen to Mitchelstown, New Year’s resolutions of good health and improved fitness are made by a lot of us!
On a European level, improvements have been seen in health status as well as living and working conditions throughout the lifetime of the European Union (EU). All health systems must strive to provide good quality care as well as a systematic approach to ensuring patient safety and to promote general well-being initiatives which play a part in prevention of illness. Member States are also required to protect the right of all citizens to confidentiality in personal information as well as the right to redress things if something goes wrong.
Many of us who might sign up to join the gym this month will not realise that we enjoy certain protections, thanks to the EU. For example, the Data Protection directive plays its part in guaranteeing the safety of the health and other personal information of anyone applying for a gym membership. Similarly, it is thanks to EU laws that that the terms of standard contract terms may not create an imbalance in the rights and obligations between consumers and suppliers, therefore the terms of your gym or health club membership are protected. These kinds of guarantees are what the EU can and has provided for its citizens.
Health and social care are important elements of Europe’s social infrastructure, accounting for 10% of all jobs across the EU. Owing to both preventative health measures as well as an ageing demographic, employment in the sector shows a continuing trend of growth with approximately 8 million job openings projected by 2020.
As EU citizens, Irish people are also entitled to healthcare in the other Member States. In 2010, 20 million Europeans received medical treatment in another EU country. The EU Cross Border directive covers all healthcare providers with patients guaranteed to be reimbursed with the same amount as they would receive in their own country for the same type of healthcare. Not forgetting the European Health Insurance Card or ‘EHIC ‘(formerly the E111 form) which allows the holder to access health care services when travelling to or on holiday in another European country. We are all entitled to one of these and it’s free. See www.hse.ie for more.
Here in Ireland, we have certainly faced our challenges on the health front and continue to do so. Obesity continues to be a challenge and we also have one of the highest rates of cancer in the EU. Alarmingly, 87% of deaths in the EU are caused by major or chronic diseases.
Yet we have seen some notable improvements in our health too. Along with the UK, Norway and Iceland, Ireland was one of the most effective nations within Europe at reducing national smoking rates between 1985 and 2005, when they dropped by 20-25%. In 2014, the EU Tobacco Products Directive introduced measures which banned ‘lipstick-style’ packs aimed at women, flavoured cigarettes, and the promotion of cigarettes brands as less harmful than others. This EU Directive is also the reason why cigarette packs are now 65% covered in health warnings.
Best of luck with all of your New Year resolutions and whether you walk on Inchydoney beach or join your local gym or club this year, as an EU citizen, whether you reside in Bantry or indeed in Berlin, you enjoy a range of protections and entitlements which will support you to improve your health and well-being. Although the best advice is to always check the small print if you sign a contract and if at all possible, get someone else to look at it too. Just like in health matters, prevention is always better than the cure!
At European Movement Ireland, our resolutions for 2016 include a commitment to continue to meet our mission to develop the connection between Ireland and the EU. In 2015, we began a ‘National Conversation’ about the UK’s reform agenda for the EU, as well as its forthcoming referendum, on EU membership. I’m delighted that we will bring this Conversation to Cork and Galway this year.
Finally, we wish you and yours excellent health and plenty of happiness for the year ahead.
This blog post is an edited version of our Executive Director Noelle O Connell’s monthly column in the Cork Evening Echo.
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