
News > UNITEE Statement on developments in Turkey

Article Details:

  • 2nd November 2015 - 09:34 UTC
  • Turkey
European Social Model, Promoting fundamental rights

UNITEE Statement on developments in Turkey

UNITEE has always been a supporter of European values. It is for this reason that UNITEE cannot but look with growing concerns at the recent developments in Turkey: the recent attacks on free enterprise, freedom of press and of business are a worrying sign of a slide towards autocracy and disrespect for even the basic rules of democracy.

Indeed, the role of the Turkish state in repressing critical opinion is manifest in this action: the takeover of companies and sackings of businessmen, with no definitive proof of wrongdoings, gives every indication of being politically motivated: the goal is control of public debate, which is unacceptable.

Furthermore, the government’s actions create an even more worrying long-term environment, since they seriously harm European investors, producers and Turkey’s competitiveness in the world economy: the attacks on free enterprise, right of property and the judiciary are already taking a toll on Turkey’s appeal as an investment destination, as its decline in International ratings clearly shows. A negative impact on business that threatens to isolate Turkey even more and to push away the economic growth it needs so much at the time.

This is why UNITEE strongly condemns these developments, voicing the need of independent business to pursue their jobs without fear of reactions or reprisals. Free press is key to the correct functioning of a mature democracy, as is the rule of law, the independence of the judiciary and free market: a vital society is fundamental for the orderly and sustained growth of a country. For this reason, UNITEE calls for decisive and strong action by all European institutions, not only reaffirming European values but stating clearly the consequences Turkey’s government will go through, should it keep trespassing the agreed-upon requirements of living together

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