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Weekly European Agenda

Weekly European Agenda 14/11/2022

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14-20 November 2022

Monday 14 November

Tuesday 15 November

Wednesday 16 November

Thursday 17 November

Friday 18 November

Institutional Agendas

European Parliament

Monday 14 November

Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE)
Debates: Upcoming electricity market reform; Establishing the Union Secure Connectivity Programme for the period 2023-2027; Amending Regulation establishing the Joint Undertakings under Horizon Europe, as regards the Chips Joint Undertaking; Presentation by the Executive Director of the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) on the Multiannual Work Programme 2021-2027; Exchange of views with Matthew Baldwin, Deputy Director-General of DG ENER, on the gas supply situation.
Vote: Amending directives on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, on the energy performance of buildings and on energy efficiency.

Committee on International Trade (INTA)
Debates: State of play of International Trade Negotiations; Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence and amending Directive (EU) 2019/1937; Exchange of views with the Commission on the EU trade objectives ahead of the EU-ASEAN Summit in December 2022; INTA Committee delegation visit to Nairobi, Kenya, 31 October – 4 November 2022.
Votes: Amending Decision (EU) 2015/169 on the conclusion of the EU-Republic of Korea Free Trade Agreement; EU-New Zealand Agreement on the modification of concessions on all the tariff-rate quotas included in the EU Schedule CLXXV as a consequence of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union.

Committee on Budgetary Control (CONT)
Debates: 2021 discharge: General budget of the EU – Commission; Report of the European Court of Auditors on the performance of the EU budget – Status at the end of 2021; Control of the financial activities of the European Investment Bank – annual report 2021.

Committee on Culture and Education (CULT)
Debates: Exchanges of views with Youth Delegates of the Council of Europe on European Year of Youth; Laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse.
Vote: Implementation of the New European Agenda for Culture and the EU Strategy for International Cultural Relations.

Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI)
Debates: Recent developments in the field of fundamental freedoms in Tunisia; World sports events and human rights in the context of the upcoming FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar; Climate action and human rights; Rule of law in Turkey.

Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE)
Debates: Debrief on the SEDE missions to Mozambique and to Niger and the new concept for CSDP
Missions (in particular EU Training Missions); Hybrid Warfare: the vulnerability of undersea networks and other critical European infrastructures.

Subcommittee on Tax Matters (FISC)
Debate: Exchange of views with Mr André Ebanks, Minister for Financial Services and Commerce of the Cayman Islands; Exchange of views with Members of the Budget Committee of the Czech national parliament on tax policies in the Commission’s work programme for the years 2022 and 2023 and the priorities of the Czech Presidency.

Thursday 17 November

Committee on Development (DEVE)
Debates: Presentation of the Youth Action Plan; Lessons learnt from the Pandora Papers and other revelations; Development Committee delegation to Indonesia, 20-22 September 2022.

Committee on Development (DEVE) jointly with the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET)
Debate: Humanitarian situation in Ukraine ahead of the winter.

Committee on Budgets (BUDG)
Vote: draft report on a proposal to mobilise the European Union Solidarity Fund to provide assistance to Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, Luxembourg, Spain and Greece following the natural disasters that took place in these countries in the course of 2021.

Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON)
Debates: Amending Directive 2014/65/EU on markets in financial instruments; Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence and amending Directive (EU) 2019/1937.

Special Committee on foreign interference in all democratic processes in the European Union, including disinformation (ING2)
Debates: Mission report following the mission to Canberra and Melbourne (Australia) from 20 to 22 September 2022; Hearing on “China’s interference and disinformation activities in Africa”; Exchange of views with the European Commission.

Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM)
Debates: 2021 discharge: General budget of the EU – Commission; Discharge 2021: European Institute for Gender Equality; European added value assessment (EAVA) in Action briefing: “What if care work were recognised as a driver of sustainable growth?”.

Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) jointly with Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE)
Debate: Consequences of the de facto abortion ban in Poland.

Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) jointly with Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI)
Debate: Gender balance among non-executive directors of companies listed on stock exchanges.

Find an overview of the parliamentary agenda here.

Council of Ministers

Monday 14 November

Foreign Affairs Council
The Council, chaired by the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, will hold exchanges of views on the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the Great Lakes region and the Western Balkans. The Council will also have a discussion on current affairs during which ministers will be able to exchange views on recent events and fast-moving developments in external relations, such as the situation in Lebanon, the recent COP27 and upcoming COP15, and the EU-CELAC ministerial meeting that took place in Buenos Aires on 27 October.

Tuesday 15 November

G20 summit
G20 leaders will meet for a two-day summit hosted by the Indonesian G20 presidency in Bali to discuss, among other topics, the three priorities of Indonesia’s G20 presidency, namely global health architecture, digital transformation and sustainable energy transitions.

Foreign Affairs Council (Defence)
The Foreign Affairs Council in its defence configuration will be briefed by High Representative Josep Borrell about current affairs, reviewing a number of recent developments and upcoming events. The Council will then exchange views on bridging the gap between defence capabilities and operational realities. Over a working lunch, ministers will hold an informal exchange of views with the NATO Secretary General (TBC) and the Minister of Defence of Ukraine (TBC, via videoconference). The Council meeting will be preceded by the steering board of the European Defence Agency (EDA).

EU-Kyrgyzstan Cooperation Council
The Cooperation Council between the European Union and the Kyrgyz Republic will hold its nineteenth meeting in Brussels on 15 November 2022. It will be chaired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Jan Lipavský, on behalf of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy from the EU side, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, Jeenbek Kulubaev. The Cooperation Council will review the key aspects of the EU-Kyrgyz Republic bilateral relations. Ministers will then discuss political issues such as constitutional reforms, rule of law and human rights, economic and trade issues, as well as regional and international issues, including connectivity.

Friday 18 November

General Affairs Council
The Council will start preparations for the European Council meeting on 15-16 December 2022 with an exchange of views on the annotated draft agenda. Ministers will also be briefed on the state of play of EU-UK relations. Then, as part of the Article 7(1) TEU procedure regarding Hungary, the Council will hold a hearing. Finally, in public session, the Commission will present its work programme for 2023, followed by an exchange of views.

An overview of planned Council meetings can be found here.

European Commission and High Representative

Monday 14 November

Gabriel delivers a keynote speech at the European Open Science Cloud Symposium
Commissioner Mariya Gabriel will deliver a keynote speech, via pre-recorded video message, at the European Open Science Cloud Symposium in Prague.

Jourová speaks at the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs (COSAC) meeting
Commissioner Vĕra Jourová will speak at the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs (COSAC) meeting in Prague.

Tuesday 15 November

Gabriel speaks at the 52nd CIFE Lunchtime Debate on “The EU Strategy for Strengthening the European Dimension in Higher Education and Research”
Commissioner Mariya Gabriel will deliver an opening speech, in Brussels, at the 52nd CIFE Lunchtime Debate on “The EU Strategy for Strengthening the European Dimension in Higher Education and Research”.

Reynders participates in the High-level EU-China-US trilateral Product Safety Summit
Commissioner Didier Reynders will participate in the High-level EU-China-US trilateral Product Safety Summit.

Suica speaks at the Missing Children Europe’s 20th Anniversary Award Ceremony
Vice-President Dubravka Suica will speak at the Missing Children Europe’s 20th Anniversary Award Ceremony: “Reflections on the role of the European Institutions in improving prevention and responses for children who go missing”.

Wednesday 16 November

College meeting
The College of Commissioners will present a communication on Schengen enlargement.

Gabriel participates in the 9th high-level EPP Group Conference on the Western Balkans
Commissioner Mariya Gabriel will participate, in Brussels, in the “9th high-level EPP Group Conference on the Western Balkans”.

Thursday 17 November

Reynders gives the opening speech of the European Consumer Day 2022
Commissioner Didier Reynders will give the opening speech of the European Consumer Day 2022.

Friday 18 November

Vestager meets with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain
Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager will meet with José Manuel Albares, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain.

An overview of the Commission College can be found here; the Commissioners’ weekly activities can be found here; the agenda of upcoming College meetings can be found here; Commission events can be found here.

European Economic and Social Committee

Wednesday 16 November

SMEs, social economy enterprises, crafts and liberal professions / Fit for 55
This hearing will focus on topical questions such as the possible avenues to help SMEs be well informed and prepared to grasp the opportunities of the transition to climate neutrality, coupling it with the possibilities offered by digitalisation and hedging the current geopolitical risks. It will also take into consideration the challenges faced by French companies and the opportunities offered to them if they successfully adjust to the climate neutral and digitalised world.

Thursday 17 November

European Consumer Day 2022 – Empowering consumers for a more sustainable world
Since 1999, the EESC has been organising the European Consumer Day where consumers gather to influence the EU debate. The topic of this year will be “Empowering consumers for a more sustainable world”. The objective will be to reflect on how to give consumers the information they need and how to help them make the best choices when purchasing a product. Round tables will focus on topics such as tech for good, the right to reparability, the functional economy, consumption and health. The event will be held both in Brussels and online. It will gather high-level speakers and representatives of EU institutions, national governments and civil society organisations.

Friday 18 November

The oceans and their future
International Ocean Governance is a particularly relevant topic in light of the problems that oceans and seas are currently facing, and one where the EU is leading by example. Policies aimed at reducing the impact of unsustainable human activities at sea, such as overfishing, have become a tradition in Europe, and the Union is now trying to involve the rest of the world in a common effort to protect the marine environment. The EEAS will organise a hearing on the need for a multidisciplinary approach to International Ocean Governance to discuss these topics with leading experts in the field of ocean governance, and to reach conclusions from a civil society view. The resulting expertise will feed into the EESC’s opinion REX/558 “Setting the course for a sustainable blue planet, an update of the international ocean governance agenda”.

More information about EESC events can be found here.
The agendas of the different EESC meetings can be found here.

Committee of the Regions

Monday 14 November

Hybrid Stakeholder consultation on the CoR opinion on the EU Nature Restoration Law
The opinion on the EU Nature REstoration Law will reflect the CoR’s position on the urgency to tackle biodiversity loss, especially by restoring degraded ecosystems and habitats. The European Commission proposal shows a clear ambition to drive large-scale nature restoration for a long term and sustained nature recovery across land, river and sea territories. The opinion would highlight the essential contribution of local and regional governments to achieve current and future biodiversity targets, as well as the multiple benefits of biodiversity to a range of objectives that particularly matter at subnational level. The CoR Rapporteur is Roby BIWER (LU/PES), Member of Bettembourg Municipal Council, Luxembourg and Member of the Commission for the Environment, Climate change and Energy (ENVE) of the CoR.

Thursday 17 November

The 15th CIVEX commission meeting
The 15th CIVEX commission meeting will take place on from 11:00 to 17:00 at the European Committee of the Regions, in Brussels. This meeting will be fully on-site. The public can follow the meeting at the listening room JDE53 or through webstreaming. On the agenda figures the election of a vice-chair of the CIVEX commission; the presentation of the report on the CoR implementation of the proposals of the Conference on the Future of Europe; the presentation of the European Regional Democracy Map; debates on the opinions “The Future of the Eastern Partnership from a Local and Regional Perspective” and “European Media Freedom Act” ; and the annual dialogue with the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), which will focus on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the fundamental rights implications within the EU.

More information about Committee of the Regions events can be found here. The agendas of the different Committee of the Regions meetings can be found here.

Czech Presidency

Tuesday 15 – Wednesday 16 Ocotober

III EU-LAC Youth Days
In cooperation with the EU-LAC International Foundation and the Faculty of Arts of Charles University, the third annual Conference of the EU-LAC Youth Days will take place in Prague.  Young people from the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean will discuss education, employment, the green transition, digital transformation, and inclusion.  The conference aims to raise young people’s interest in current political issues and engage them in the dialogue between the two regions.

Thursday 17 – Friday 18 November

Western Balkans: Smart Cities Economic Forum
The event aims to support deepened economic cooperation between the EU and Western Balkans with a special focus on the development of smart and sustainable cities.

The agenda of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU can be found here.

European Ombudsman

Thursday 17 November

Academic seminar – The evolving role of the European Ombudsman
The Office of the European Ombudsman, the Law Department and the School of Transnational Governance of the European University Institute are holding an academic seminar in Florence, Italy to discuss the evolving role of the European Ombudsman. The seminar will bring together academics and other experts to consider how the Ombudsman has shaped the debate on ethics and accountability standards in the EU administration and how it can continue to do so in the future. The various panels will discuss how the Ombudsman’s role has developed over the years, how the Ombudsman’s ‘soft’ power can encourage positive change, and the role of transparency in achieving accountability in the EU institutions. Based on a call for academic papers, there will also be a discussion on new challenges and opportunities for the Ombudsman in monitoring specific policy areas or specific EU bodies.

The EU Ombudsman calendar of activities can be found here.

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Tuesday 15 – Wednesday 16 November

FRA and Council of Europe strengthen their cooperation
FRA’s Director will visit the Council of Europein Strasbourg. He will exchange views with the Rapporteur Group on External Relations of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers. He will have bilateral meetings with the President of the European Court of Human Rights Síofra O’Leary, and the Director of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities Rafael Benitez. The discussions will focus on how to further strengthen cooperation between FRA and the Council of Europe. The visit also offers an opportunity to exchange views on current and future priorities. FRA’s Director will also meet the Heads of EU missions to the Council of Europe and the EU Delegation Head Vesna Batistić Kos.

Towards a common definition of digital violence against women
FRA will take part in a UN Women expert group meeting to develop definitions for measuring online and technology-facilitated violence against women and girls. FRA will share at the meeting its experience in measuring this form of violence in the agency’s large-scale surveys. This will include the results obtained, both in terms of the experiences of the general population and selected minority groups. The meeting takes place in New York

Thursday 17 November

FRA and Committee of the Regions annual dialogue to focus on Ukraine
FRA and the Commission for Citizenship, Governance, Institutional and External Affairs (CIVEX) will hold its annual dialogue in the European Committee of the Regions. The annual dialogues aim to discuss fundamental rights themes of relevance at the regional and local level, and to share knowledge of existing fundamental rights good practices. The panel discussion will look into fundamental rights considerations in the EU triggered by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Local and regional authorities have been in the frontline of efforts to welcome people fleeing Ukraine, often in cooperation with civil society. The discussion will provide opportunities to exchange with CIVEX members on their experiences on the reception and integration of people from Ukraine.

Information on upcoming FRA events can be found here.

European Central Bank

Wednesday 16 November

Publication of the ECB Financial Stability Review – November 2022
The ECB will publish its Financial Stability Review for the month November 2022.

More information about ECB events can be found here

European Investment Bank

Wednesday 16 November

Towards a more resilient and sustainable agriculture sector – 8th annual EU conference on EAFRD financial instruments
The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) are organising the 8th annual EU conference on EAFRD financial instruments ‘Towards a more resilient and sustainable agriculture sector’ to discuss possible responses to the current challenges. The conference will be held in Prague and online and will bring together managing authorities, experts, farm unions’ representatives, European Investment Bank Group and European Commission officials. The main highlights of the conference will include the CAP economic interventions such as direct payments, investments, support for young farmers, financial instruments and risk management. The conference will also feature new investment and agricultural strategies of the Member States, which are at the forefront of the new policy developments, focusing on Member States with approved CAP Strategic Plans for 2023-2027.

Thursday 17 November

Meeting No. 558 of the Board of Directors
In accordance with its Rules of Procedure, the EIB convenes the meetings of its Board of Directors at least six times a year. In line with the EIB Group Transparency Policy, the Bank publishes the meeting agenda, as from four days before the meeting; and the minutes of the meeting, including the list of conflicts of interest declared by the participants with respect to a project to be financed. The minutes are in principle approved in the following meeting and are subsequently published on the Bank’s website.

The agenda of the EIB can be found here.

Council of Europe

Monday 14 November – Tuesday 15 November

“Artificial Intelligence and Electoral Integrity” – 19th European Conference of Electoral Management Bodies
“Artificial Intelligence and Electoral Integrity” is the topic of this year’s European Conference of Electoral Management Bodies, organised by the Venice Commission at the Council of Europe and online. By linking the concepts of artificial intelligence and electoral integrity, the 19th EMBs Conference aims to assess the impact of the use of AI systems in the organisation and conduct of electoral processes as well as on the work of electoral administrations and the lessons to be learned. The Conference will hold several sessions on the following topics: The Council of Europe’s acquis and the principles at stake; AI and fairness in electoral processes (balanced electoral campaigns, gender parity); The impact of AI on turnout and voter choice vs. data protection (informed voter choice and a higher turnout); AI vs. supervision and transparency of electoral processes; and AI and harmful content.

Find an overview of Council of Europe events here; the PACE diary here; the Congress calendar of events here; information on forthcoming judgments here; the calendar of hearings here; information on Venice Commission events here; the agenda of the Commissioner of Human Rights here; and the Chairmanship agenda here.

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