
News > AIACE: Info-Sections December 2016

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AIACE: Info-Sections December 2016

This publication aims to be a link between the activities of the international structure of the Association and their 11,500 members. It provides some brief information on the activities of the International Bureau. This 5th issue covers the period from October to December 2016.


PMO-HR-AIACE Technical Group
This group met on 12-13 September 2006, but we have not yet reported it in info-sections 4. It is a working group which brings together representatives of the Bureau and sections with the services of the PMO, under the chairmanship of DG HR. One of the issues we raised is the preventive medicine program for those over the age of 60. We proposed to re-establish screening for three major cancers. The result is explained in Vox number 105.

Bureau meeting of 24 October
Mainly devoted to preparing the meeting of the Management Board on the following day. A Bureau delegation met with the new PMO Director, Mrs. Veronica Gaffey. The latter intends to pursue the twofold objective of improving efficiency and information for affiliates and at the same time strengthening the human side of the contacts of the affiliates with the PMO.

Management Board on 25 and 26 October
The agenda included the Brexit, the PMO-HR-AIACE technical group report, the activities of the sections, the finances of our international association, the various aspects of communication and the preparation of the 2017 Congress in Maastricht. In the previous info-sections we told you about an insurance problem, namely the distinction between the two specific insurance contracts negotiated by AIACE and other insurance policies, notably those from Afiliatys, which are also presented at the “Preparation for retirement” seminars. We have sought and obtained a satisfactory solution, from our point of view, which is presented to you in the Vox 105.

Meeting with the Settlement Office of Luxembourg on 21 November
Meetings were held between each of the three settlement offices of our Sickness Insurance Fund, with representatives of the national sections attached to these offices and a participation of the International Bureau. Meetings with the Brussels and Ispra offices have already taken place. On 21 November, the meeting took place between the Luxembourg office and the representatives of the 3 sections Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, a member of the Bureau and of the International Help Desk. Telephone assistance is available in the morning between 9.30 am and 12.30 pm and on-site visits are possible, preferably in the afternoon. New premises are being prepared for the reception desk of the settlement office, the “Espace Seniors” and even the departure desk (for those who retire).

Meetings of the CGAM on 23 and 24 November
Apart from reviewing appeals under Article 90, the CGAM devotes part of its meetings to aspects of the management of our Sickness Fund. This meeting included the preparation of the 2015 annual report that the CGAM should send each year to the heads of administration, as well as the situation of medical overbilling in Luxembourg. The Head of the Settlement Office in Luxembourg reported on a meeting she had held with a representative of the PMO andrepresentatives of the Luxemburg Hospitals Agreement. These Hospitals representatives are aware of high amounts and the need to better inform the patients by prioviding estimates. The situation is complex because in Luxembourg the National Sickness Fund (CNS) covers fixed costs for hospitals, since the patient is billed only for variable costs linked to his visit. Another meeting will be held with the CNS to better understand this system of financing of fixed costs
and their level. We do not anticipate any improvement in the short term and for now the PMO does not envisage a denunciation of the conventions currently in force. However, these agreements place JSIS affiliates in Luxembourg at a certain inequality of treatment vis-à-vis Luxembourg patients or in relation to JSIS affiliates in other countries (who are not billed for fixed costs in hospitals). At this CGAM meeting, we also reported on the meeting of the Technical Working Group and the proposals that AIACE presented to the Medical Council, perhaps with the hope of returning i.a. to a full abdominal ultrasound as before.

Bureau meeting of 13 December
One of the issues discussed concerns the relocation of our premises. This move represents an enormous preparatory work for our international secretariat, Anne-Pascale Descamps and Florentino Sotomayor. The International AIACE and the Espace Seniors will be located from January 2017 at 105, Avenue des Nerviens, opposite the Royal Museums of the Cinquantenaire. These premises are located at a bus stop from the metro station Mérode (bus lines 22, 27 and 80, stop Gaulois) or 2 stops from Schuman with bus 22 (stop Gaulois, not Nerviens!!), where the PMO welcome desk will be located for both the active staff and the pensioners. The Belgium section will move to the Rue de Genève, 1 – 1040 Evere.

Communication seminar on 14 and 15 December
The Bureau had decided to organize a seminar in Brussels with representatives of national sections to exchange information on communication tools and policies with our members and to identify development priorities. Representatives from 14 sections participated. This seminar was organized and chaired by Maruja Gutiérrez, member of the Bureau (a short article on communication tools for our members should be provided in VOX 106).

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