
News > Women of Europe Award Ceremony 2018

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  • 29th November 2018 - 16:40 UTC

Women of Europe Award Ceremony 2018

On 28 November 2018, the European Movement International and the European Women’s Lobby organised the third edition of the Women of Europe Awards. The awards, which are handed out in four categories, aim to highlight the efforts of women in politics, civil society and business.  This year’s ceremony took place at the House of the Region of  Brussels (BIP) and was attended by representatives from civil society, NGOs, politics, business, local authorities, trade unions  and employer organisations.

Take a look at the press release to find out more about the reaction from our winners and jury.

The 2018 winners are:

Woman in Power: Marianne Thyssen, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility;

Woman in Action: Together for Yes (Orla O’Connor, Ailbhe Smyth and Grainne Griffin), co-directors of the Irish national campaign to repeal the 8th amendment (on abortion);

Woman in Business: Axelle Lemaire, Global Head of Terra Numerata, Roland Berger;

Woman in Youth Activism: Sigrid Friis Proschowski, Chair of Radikal Ungdom Denmark.

While the role of women in the European project remains largely unrecognised, the awards aim to acknowledge and showcase their inspiring initiatives which lend a voice to women across Europe and defend European values such as democracy, inclusion and diversity. From Ireland to Denmark, women are defending the European project in their private and professional capacity, and their voice deserves to heard.

Who were the shortlisted candidates? 

Read their stories here.

The jury

The winners were selected by the the jury of 7, which included representatives from politics, civil society and the business sector.


The Women of Europe Awards are organised by the European Movement International and the European Women’s Lobby, building upon the national awards of several National Councils of the European Movement. The awards are handed out annually to honour women striving to advance the European project in their professional or private capacity. The role of women in the European project remains largely unrecognised. The awards highlight the contribution of women in promoting and advancing European issues, and to increase their presence and involvement in debates about Europe and its future.