ALDA – Co-creation and digital will mark the future of Public Administrations
The project ENLARGE was invited to the event on Digital Transformation of Public Administrations, organized by DG CONNECT and the Research Executive Agency (REA) on 24 October in Brussels.
Irene Zanetti from ALDA represented the consortium of the project ENLARGE during the participative event gathering representatives of Horizon 2020 projects, public administration representatives, EU policy makers and targeted professionals active in the investment and/or start-up community. She moderated the round table on “Incentives for Public Administrations”, reporting to the plenary assembly comments, suggestions and questions from the participants, highlighting the needs to increase and improve co-creation processes.
The event was an important occasion for ENLARGE to network with other consortia engaged in co-creation processes, and to update participants about the outcomes of the deliberative event held in Milan few weeks ago, as well as to the upcoming Choose Your Own Adventure book.
Useful resources:
More information about the event
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