
News > Clear European Perspective for the Eastern Partnership Countries: EMI calls for concrete deliverables at Riga Summit

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Eastern Partnership, EU Enlargement

Clear European Perspective for the Eastern Partnership Countries: EMI calls for concrete deliverables at Riga Summit

Ahead of the Eastern Partnership summit in Riga on 21-22 May 2015, the European Movement International (EMI) calls on those present to engage in constructive dialogue and present concrete deliverables as well as reform commitments. In particular, the EMI calls for the adoption of a concrete roadmap towards visa-free travel for Ukrainian and Georgian citizens, and agreement on a clear membership perspective for those Eastern Partnership countries that wish to join the EU, in accordance with Article 49 of the Lisbon Treaty.

In light of the most recent drafts of the Riga Summit conclusions, far from stating any real advancement in the EU-EaP partnership, the EMI expects the EU to fulfil its commitments and support the aspirations of our Eastern neighbours with all means available.

In accordance with its Political Resolution on the Eastern Partnership Summit and Review of the European Neighbourhood Policy, the EMI also calls upon the EU to bear in mind the different aspirations and socio-economic realities of the different Eastern Partnership countries, and adjust their policies accordingly.

Nataša Owens, Vice-President of the European Movement International, will travel to Riga for the EaP 2nd Civil Society Conference, taking place on the eve of the Riga Summit (20-21 May). She said: “The theme of the conference, which puts the emphasis on fostering civil society in the European Union’s Eastern Neighbourhood, is particularly timely. Only empowered civil society actors can enter into a constructive dialogue with policy makers and guarantee reform in the EaP countries and their true approximation towards the European Union. Also, I believe that presence of EaP civil society groups in Latvia at the time of the Riga Summit gives a strong signal about their commitment to European reform.”


Notes to the Editors

1. The European Movement International (EMI) is one of the largest pan and pro-European civil society organisations with currently more than 70 Member Organisations, bringing together representatives from European associations, political parties, enterprises and trade unions. www.europeanmovement.eu

Media Contact

Alex Godson: +32 25 08 30 88 // +32 484 93 10 20 // Alex.Godson@europeanmovement.eu

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