
News > EM Germany: The Beginning of a New Era? – Bernd Lange MEP on CETA

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Foreign Affairs, Post 2015 Agenda

EM Germany: The Beginning of a New Era? – Bernd Lange MEP on CETA

With a majority of 408 to 254 votes and 33 abstains, the European Parliament just backed the free trade deal with Canada, known as CETA. Already a week before, on February 9, EM Germany invited Bernd Lange MEP, chair of European Parliament’s International Trade Committee, for an “EBD Exklusiv” event to report and discuss the agreement with experts of European Movement Germany member organisations. The discussions included the comprehensive content of the landmark trade deal as well as the improvable communication strategy about the same with the European citizens, among other topics.

Our concise summary of the main discussions can be found on our website – report in German.

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