Members’ Council 2017
On 12 May, we brought our members together at the European Parliament in Brussels for our Members’ Council. Over 60 representatives of members of the European Movement International were present and it was a chance to discuss our latest activities and next steps.
Our members are meeting in #Brussels tomorrow to discuss key issues for #Europe! Find out more ?? #EurMove
— European Movement (@EMInternational) May 11, 2017
The morning started off with two parallel activities, a meeting of our Board and a visit to the newly opened House of European History. We then reconvened at the Parliament where our Political Committees ‘More Democracy’, ‘Jobs and Growth’ and ‘Europe and the World’ met. During the sessions our most recent policy proposals were discussed and members were able to give input and raise questions.
Full house at @EMInternational Board meeting, good discussion on the Future of Europe, our upcoming campaigns and our advocacy work #EurMove
— Petros Fassoulas (@PetrosFassoulas) May 12, 2017
In the afternoon we came back together for the plenary session. We were pleased to welcome our three newest members, the European Youth Forum, The European Environmental Bureau and the European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public Services and Services of general interest. Having such large environmental, youth and employers’ organisations join our family expands the depth and breadth of the European Movement, which already includes civil society, trade unions, local authorities, political parties and sectoral interests.
Clean and young! Glad 2 c @Green_Europe & @youthforum as new @EMinternational members – feeds the network! #EMImc
— Bernd ?? Hüttemann (@huettemann) May 12, 2017
The plenary then moved to a detailed discussion on our latest policy positions, consolidating input from the earlier Political Committees and discussing any questions or amendments in more detail with the rest of the members. Following this, we held a tour de table in which each member updated the network on their recent activities and what they have coming up.
Lots of innovation from @EMInternational members in activity plans. Great to welcome Jeremy Wates of new member @Green_Europe @emireland
— Noel Clehane (@NoelClehane) May 12, 2017
You can find more photos from the event in this flickr album.
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