SOLIDAR Weekly Round Up 07-11-2014
Editorial by Conny Reuter, SOLIDAR Secretary General
Only a Belgian affair?
7 November 2014
Yesterday more than 120.000 people answered the call of the Belgian trade unions to demonstrate against the anti-social policy of the newly formed Belgian government Michel I, composed of Wallonian liberals and Flemish nationalists. Whereas Belgium had performed quite well under the former government of Elio di Rupo who managed to keep budget commitments and social peace at the same time, the new government’s programme is nothing other than the application of the neo-liberal policies formulated previously in the so-called country-specific recommendations (CSRs) and national reform programmes (NRPs) in the framework of the European semester process: suspension of the indexation of salaries on inflation, more flexible labour markets, reduction of unemployment schemes, raising of the retirement age. The usual arsenal sold under the label “more competiveness”.
This government’s programme proves yet again that the economic programme of populists are anti-social and this is a real dilemma: people vote for populist parties because of the fear of losing social acquis and status, but once elected these parties put in place policies which are far from improving the social situation, creating more social insecurity and political unrest.
The impressive unions’ march unfortunately did not pass through the European neighbourhood in Brussels where the European Institutions are located to remind Commission President Juncker of his promise to add a social dimension to the European semester and not to consider only competitiveness and growth.
The Belgian trade unions demonstrated on behalf of us all and have taken the lead in a popular protest movement. Enough of austerity undermining social peace and social progress! Invest in people and in social infrastructure!
In solidarity!
SOLIDAR Silver Rose Awards – Call for Nominations
The SOLIDAR Silver Rose Awards were launched in 2000 to raise awareness of organisations and individuals who have significantly contributed to improving social justice and equality around the world. This event brings together more than 400 people to celebrate individuals and organisations whose extraordinary struggles contribute greatly to social justice and solidarity throughout the world. The Awards are presented each year at a prestigious awards ceremony held at the European Parliament in Brussels. This year’s edition will take place in February 2015 exact date to be confirmed.
Who can make a nomination?
Everyone is welcome to make a nomination, especially member organisations or other organisations and individuals who actively support SOLIDAR’s work. The deadline for the submission of your nominations is 28 November 2014. The nomination should be made using the nomination form. A more detailed explanation of the procedure can be found here
Out now: The Social Dimension of EU Enlargement
3 November 2014
In 2012 the European Union Resolution on Enlargement expressed concerns about the inattention to the social dimension of the EU enlargement process. Indeed in recent years, unemployment and social inequalities have significantly increased in the Western Balkans affecting in particular the situation of young people and showing that the socio-economic dimension cannot be separated from the political one. This FEPS and SOLIDAR publication is a collection of expert articles presenting an overview of the current challenges in consolidating the social dimension of EU enlargement in the Western Balkans.
Read the full version here
Together for Social Europe
Building solidarity in asylum, migration and development policies
5 November 2014
On 5 November, SOLIDAR Secretary General, Conny Reuter, spoke at the ‘Call to Europe IV Conference: ‘Building Solidarity in Asylum Policy’ organised by the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS). The conference brought together policy makers, academics and civil society for a pan-European debate on migration, asylum and refugee policies. Discussions focused particularly on two issues: the need to build a Common Progressive European Approach on Asylum and the need to improve solidarity in EU neighbourhood policies, with a special focus on conflict and asylum seekers in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.
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Supporting Social Investment; the Enlargement Perspective
7 November 2014
On Thursday 6 November, the round table : “Supporting Social Investments; The Enlargement Perspective” organised by the IRIS Network, SOLIDAR, ASB South East Europe (SEE) took place in the European Parliament involving MEPs Knut Fleckenstein (S&D), Ivo Vajgl (ALDE), and Eduard Kukan (EPP), representatives of DG Employment and Social Affairs Thomas Bender and DG Enlargement – Henk Visser, and the representatives of the European Economic and Social Committee – Ariane Rodert and Social Services Europe – Luk Zelderloo.
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SOLIDAR EU Training Academy
7 November 2014
On 3 and 4 November, SOLIDAR held its first EU Training Academy for our members and partners. The 2-day training took place in Frankfurt/Main (Germany) and gathered SOLIDAR’s member and partner organisations from 11 countries.
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Building Learning Societies
Lifelong Learning for All
6 November 2014
This week the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, that is the unique division within the United Nations system that holds a mandate on lifelong learning, presented its strategy for the post-2015 development agenda “Medium-Term Strategy 2014-2020: Laying Foundations for equitable Lifelong Learning for All”.
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Organising International Solidarity
4 November 2014
4 November 2014: the round table “Winning the fight against poverty and inequality: a Social Protection Floor for Everyone” has opened the UNIVERSAL SOCIAL PROTECTION ADVOCACY TOUR*.
CSOs from different parts of the world, members of the Global Coalition for social protection floors and Members of the European Parliament met to discuss how Social Protection Floors contribute to eradicating poverty and inequality and to the realisation of human rights; Why Social Protection should be a development priority in the Post-2015 development agenda; Existing good practice of social protection in Developing Countries (including Low income Countries); and The role the European Parliament can play to promote the human right to social security.
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SOLIDAR in Beirut to attend the Regional Civil Society Dialogue on EU-Arab Partnership
6 November 2014
From 6 to 8 November SOLIDAR will be joining the Regional Civil Society Dialogue on EU-Arab Partnership in Beirut organised by the Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND). The meeting will bring together representatives from CSOs from both sides of the Mediterranean, and it will shed light on the role of the Euromed Platform in the policy dialogue, its strategic priorities and the relevance of its policy choices.
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