
News > SOLIDAR Weekly Round Up 27-11-2015

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European Social Model, Jobs and Competitiveness, Promoting fundamental rights

SOLIDAR Weekly Round Up 27-11-2015

The right answers?
Between hectic diplomatic moves to build an international coalition to fight DAESH, increased security measures and the desertion of public spaces, the political questions remain on the table: how to fight the enemies of democracy without undermining democracy itself? How to stop the new “youth culture” of Jihad from recruiting more and more followers whose sole aim seems to be taking pleasure in killing themselves and those who want to enjoy life?

Opting for war has always been a risky venture and the recent military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq – sorry to say – have been too costly in terms of both human lives and financial resources while failing to stabilise these countries, not to mention Libya.

In our respective countries the parallel societies which have developed as a result of a lack of cohesion, of inclusion and social investment create fertile ground for those criminals who develop a deep hatred of the societies they live in. Mathieu Kassovitz described the phenomenon in his famous film “hate”. In the end it is also the result of constantly increasing inequality and the loss of social mobility. We know the statistics on well-being, working conditions, GDP, GINI and poverty indicators, we have the testimonies of those who work on the ground and try to find answers through social work and social services, but where are the policies who would bring about change?

Are a military response and increased security the only alternatives? Is it the right trade off, to reduce the democratic and public space in order to match the conservative and right wing – but regrettably popular – populist security discourse.

We have to tackle the root causes, which are also the root causes for migration and evasion and have to do with the lack of social investment. Reducing inequalities through social protection floors and schemes, basing the European Neighbourhood policy on economic, social and human rights, creating a real development strategy including fair trade agreements, all these are the ingredients of a social reply to the challenges. Our societies can improve their attractiveness and provide an alternative to the Jihadi culture if they offer a chance (social mobility) and a place here on earth and not somewhere in another sphere.

Europe is at the crossroads and must deliver “big things”. Now is the time to be courageous. As Jürgen Habermas said “Both, the terror and the refugee crisis, are – perhaps for the last time – dramatic challenges for a much closer sense of co-operation and solidarity than anything European nations, even those tied up to one another in the currency union, have so far managed to achieve.” He repeatedly called for “constitutional patriotism”. A real social Europe would make it possible to mobilise citizens around a European constitutional patriotism instead of national patriotism which always includes a poisonous element: nationalism. This reversion to nationalism in EU Member States coupled with more authoritarian regimes, the lack of progress towards Social Europe are in the long run undermining Europe more than any terrorist attack!

Together for social Europe!

Together for Social Europe
“Progressive Structural Reforms. Proposals for European reforms to reduce inequalities and promote jobs, growth and social investment.”
24 November 2015

On 1 December 2015, SOLIDAR is organising a public launch of our edited volume “Progressive Structural Reforms. Proposals for European reforms to reduce inequalities and promote jobs, growth and social investment.”(draft programme)

This publication presents the results of the SOLIDAR Social Progress Lab 2015 which was launched in spring 2015. The Social Progress Lab is a space for academics, policy-makers and civil society to reflect about the strategies and policies needed to achieve a more social and inclusive Europe.
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Eurofound: First findings of the Sixth European Working Conditions Survey
25 November 2015

SOLIDAR participated in a high-level conference organised by the Luxembourg Presidency and Eurofound on 23 and 24 November in Luxembourg, where the first findings of the Sixth European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) were presented and discussed with a wide range of stakeholders. The EWCS is a wide-ranging survey of workers carried out by Eurofound every five years since 1991. The survey interviews employees and self-employed workers about key issues related to their work and employment, such as employment status, physical and psychological risk, time and place of work, skills development etc.

Key finding of the 6th EWCS underline the complex reality with which European policy-makers are confronted when building a fairer and competitive working context in Europe. On the positive side, the survey found that a high proportion (58%) of workers are supported by their managers most of the time, that the number of female bosses/supervisors is further increasing (33%) and the majority of the workforce (58%) is satisfied with their working time.
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Solidarity Beyond Borders – call for a European day of Action on 18 December
27 December 2015

On 21 and 22 November, SOLIDAR participated in a meeting in Thessaloniki (Greece) with many grassroots organisations working to provide support and humanitarian assistance to migrants along the Western Balkan route as well as several European networks such as Migreurop, European Alternatives, Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network and European Civic Forum. On the first day of the meeting participants visited the refugee camp in Eidomeni on the border with Macedonia. The situation along the Western Balkan route changed dramatically after the increased security measures put in place by border control police after the terroristic attacks in Paris. In particular, since last week the Macedonian border has been closed to migrants, with the exception of Syrians, Iraqis and Afghanis. This selection procedure based on nationality is in contrast with international legislation on asylum and is creating a lot of tension and protests among the migrants stuck at the Macedonian border. Therefore, participants at the meeting agreed to consolidate the communication flow among civil society organisations working along the Western Balkan route in order to share information and improve the capacity to provide solidarity responses to the needs emerging from the changing situation.
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Building Learning Societies
Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council meeting
26 November 2015

Ministers of Youth and Education for EU Member States met on 23-24 November 2015 in Brussels for the ’Education, Youth, Culture and Sports’ Council. Following the tragic events in Paris on 13 November 2015, the Ministers underlined the relevance of the Paris declaration of 17 March 2015 on promoting citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education. Moreover, the Council announced that it will launch, in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, a specific call for proposals in this field with a budget of 3 million euros in November.

Furthermore, the Council adopted the 2015 joint report of the Council and the Commission on the implementation of the strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training. The current report takes stock not only of progress during the most recent work cycle (2012-2014) in the process, it also reviews the ET 2020 framework as a whole at its half-way stage and puts forward proposals for adjustment. For the remaining five years up to 2020, ET 2020 will have six new priority areas instead of 13. Finally, the Commission recommended a better use of the financial instruments of the Union, such as Erasmus +, the Structural Funds and the Investment Plan for Europe.
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Organising International Solidarity
New ENP should be more about human rights and less about security!
27 November 2015

Last week, the joint communication on the review of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) was launched, setting out a new basis for the relations between the EU and its Neighbours.

While the communication addresses the common challenges of socio-economic development, youth employability, good governance, democracy and the rule of law, SOLIDAR is concerned about the strong focus given to “hard” security (which features in both the energy and migration sectors), and little focus given to the progressive realisation of ESCRs, and all human rights in general. Also, while the communication ensures that the EU will engage with all partners in an inclusive dialogue on human rights and democracy issues, it still doesn’t clarify how human rights conditionality will be implemented in the context of a re-negotiation of the Association Agreements with partner countries.

Next week SOLIDAR will participate in the EU NGO Forum on Human Rights that is jointly organised by the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the Human Rights and Democracy Network (HRDN), which among many things, will be an opportunity to discuss the challenges and opportunities to defend and promote CSOs space in promoting and upholding ESCRs, and human rights in general within existing EU policy framework, and in looking closely at the implementation of the EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy.
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