The ViewPoints Magazine
Vol 3. A Europe fit for the Digital Age With contributions from: Eva Maydell MEPDita Charanzova MEPAlex Agius Saliba MEP Alexandra Geese MEP COVID-19 has shown us once again how -
EMI: How do Europeans feel about the State of our Union and the War in Ukraine?
Yesterday, President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, delivered a strong State of the Union speech. But to what extent did the speech, outlining the European Commission's priorities for the coming year, reflect the concerns and feelings of Europeans across our continent?0 Comments -
The European Movement International in 2022
2022 saw the return of war to our continent, with the brutal and unjustified invasion of Ukraine by Russia reshaping the geopolitical balance and the EU’s priorities. Once again we were reminded of the importance of European solidarity & cooperation as the EU stood up to Russian aggression, supported Ukraine, welcomed Ukrainian refugees and took joint action to protect Europeans from the energy crisis that followed the war, while continuously defending and strengthening democracy across our continent. -
Weekly European Agenda 23/01/2023
If you would like to receive a summary of each week’s institutional agenda in your inbox every Monday, sign up here. 23-29 January 2023 Monday 23 January EP: AFET, ECON, CONT,